من نحن؟
مجموعة من المواطنين، مؤمنين بجدوى استخدام الأطر الديمقراطية لتحقيق التغييرات السياسية والاجتماعية التي نسعى لها. بما أن النائب اللبناني هو المسؤول الوحيد الذي ننتخبه مباشرة وبالتالي يمثلنا في المسار السياسي، يكون واجبنا اسماعه صوتنا والتعبير له عما يهمنا كمواطنين، لضمان تمثيله لنا في القضايا التي تعنينا

هذا الموقع هو احدى الأدوات التي قد تساعد في تسهيل التواصل بيننا كمواطنين لبنانيين والنواب الذين يمثلوننا رسمياً. تجدون على يسار الشاشة قائمة بأسماء جميع النواب الحاليين، الدائرة الإنتخابية التي يمثلون، وووسيلة واحدة على الأقل للتواصل معهم. ان كنتم ترغبون كأفراد او مجموعات، التواصل مع نوابكم، فالعناوين بمتناولكم. ان رغبتم الاعلان عن تحرك للتواصل مع النواب عبر هذا الموقع يرجى الاتصال بنا لإضافتكم الى الموقع كمستخدمين

مواطن لبناني


Solidarity with Gaza

The initiative:
We aim to make use of the democratic in pursuit of a supportive stand towards gaza. Do that by communicating with the elected members of parliament within your electoral district, irrespective of their political affiliations or sect, for, those officially represent you in the Lebanese parliament.

Means of communication with the Members of Parliament:
All means suitable and accessible to you can be used:
1- You can write your own version of the letter, or use the sample letter below, and deliver it by hand to the house of Parliament in ‘Place de l’Etoile’, where each member is appointed his own mail box.
2- You can e-mail or fax your version or the sample letter to the members. A list with the member’s contact can be found below.
3- Make sure to mention your name, profession, the electoral district you vote within.
4- Send a copy to each member of Parliament within your electoral circle
5- Send a copy of each letter to the Minister of Exterior Fawzi Sallough, and to the Prime Minister Fouad el Sanioura.
6- After you send your letters, record your participation in this initiative and send an e-mail to: muwaten.lubnani@gmail.com or comment on this blog, so that we can evaluate the level of participation.

Sample Letter

Dear Representative ………………………………………


Due to the escalation of Israeli aggression on Gaza, and after 18 months of siege imposed on 1.5 million Palestinians, I write to you as my district representative to intervene through all possible means available to you to stop this aggression, and to contribute to an Arab stand supportive of the Palestinians in Gaza.

I reject, as a Lebanese citizen, the complicity of the Arab States, and in particular the Egyptian authorities, with this aggression and I ask you to :

- Demand from the Arab Republic of Egypt, through the embassy in Lebanon, to permanently open the Rafah crossing, and to provide assistance to the Palestinians in Gaza, and to request from the Foreign Minister of Lebanon and other Lebanese officials to express these positions in Arab meetings.

- To pursue all international means to pressure Israel to cease its aggression on Gaza and to hold all those responsible legally accountable.

With my trust that you will use all means possible to express the desires of the Lebanese citizens you represent

Name: ………………………………………………

Occupation: ………………………………………………

Electoral district: ……………………………………………..

Cc : Foreign Minister Fawzy Saloukh
Cc : Prime Minister Fouad Sinoira – tel : 00 961 1 746800, Fax : 00 961 1 746805, Email : fas@pcm.gov.lb

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